Copia di JAK 0145

On the anniversary of her birth, the Leonardo Committee joins in remembrance of Rita Levi-Montalcini

News eng   20 May 2013

Rome, 22 April 2013 – On the anniversary of the birth of Rita Levi-Montalcini, Luisa Todini, Chairman of the Leonardo Committee, recalled the great scientist by taking part in a meeting entitled Life of a Nobel Prizewinner – In Commemoration of Rita Levi-Montalcini organised by the Jewish Foundation and the Rita Levi-Montalcini Institute at Rome’s La Sapienza University.

During the event , Chairman Luisa Todini remembered that Rita Levi Montalcini had been a great woman of science and a researcher renowned for her excellence worldwide. With her talent, integrity and constant dedication, she had been able to represent the best of Italy both at home and abroad.

The Leonardo Committee awarded her the 2009 Leonardo Career Prize in recognition of the vital scientific contribution she made to the international community during her long career, which is still relevant today for the advancement of medicine.


Visit the Press Area to read the press release of the event.


