2014 – ENNOVA
Leonardo Start Up Special prizeChairman – Fiorenzo Codognotto
Ennova was established in 2010 at the Polytechnic University of Turin’s I3P incubator with a mission to design, develop and release new models for companies in the telecommunications, finance and utilities sectors that aim to simplify managerial processes and improve the user experience. In an increasingly digital world, in which for many people smartphones and tablets have become inseparable companions, and with the smart home and smart cities business about to take off, simplifying and improving assistance and configuration procedures adds value for customers and provides additional earning opportunities for operators in these sectors.
Against this backdrop, Ennova has created SOS Digital: an innovative remote assistance model that enables customers to get assistance and advice on all the configuration, use, security and protection requirements of their digital devices, via a dedicated expertise centre and a specialist who can remotely connect to and directly operate the customer’s device. This service is part of a broader assistance model that the company has certified as the first in Europe on smartphones, tablets and computers, as well as the first in the world that enables constant remote assistance for customers’ digital devices, using the same technology and operating methods. For example, SOS Digital allows customers to transfer all the content from an old smartphone to a new one they have just bought entirely on their own. This model is already partly used by Telecom Italia and Vodafone.