I Premi Leonardo

Il Comitato Leonardo Awards the Ambassadors of Made in Italy

Every year, Comitato Leonardo presents the Leonardo Prize . Based on the evaluation from an extensive and qualified panel of judges, it is awarded to an Italian or foreign individual who significantly contributed to encouraging and promoting Italy’s image in the world.

On the occasion of significant promotional or concept events organized during Business Missions in markets considered as strategic for the internationalization of Italian companies, the Committee presents the Leonardo International Prize  . It is awarded to a person whose outstanding professional activity has contributed to boosting cultural and economic ties between Italy and the Country of origin.

Comitato Leonardo also presents the Leonardo Italian Quality Prize, awarded to entrepreneurs whose companies have shown distinction in innovation and quality of their products, along with exhibiting strong international, commercial and productive prospects. A Start Up Prize is awarded to an outstanding and innovative Italian start-up.

In the past, Career Prizes and Special Prizes have been awarded to individuals whose outstanding professional activity has contributed to boosting Italy’s image.